Aching Shoulders in Pregnancy

Aching Shoulders in Pregnancy: Causes and Therapies

Know the common causes and effective therapies for aching shoulders in pregnancy. Find relief with recommended exercises from physical therapists. Pregnancy brings many joys but also a fair share of discomforts, one of which can be shoulder pain. During pregnancy, women experience different types of aches and pains. While shoulder pain is rare, it does occur in some women. You can do many easy and practical exercises and therapies at home. This pain is not permanent; you will get relief after the birth of your baby. You will find solutions to your problem in this post.

What Does Aching Shoulders in Pregnancy Mean?

Aching shoulders in pregnancy is a common complaint among pregnant women, especially in the third trimester. This pain can affect the shoulder and upper back muscles, causing discomfort. The body changes that occur during pregnancy can cause the pain in the shoulder and upper back to become lax, leading to pain and discomfort.

Poor posture and the added weight from the growing baby can put extra strain on the neck and shoulder area, increasing the pain. It is essential to distinguish between routine aches and pains associated with pregnancy and more severe causes of shoulder pain, such as an ectopic pregnancy or gallstones.

Aching shoulders in pregnancy may also be a symptom of preeclampsia, a severe condition characterized by high blood pressure and abnormal levels of protein in the urine. Suppose you are experiencing shoulder pain during pregnancy that is persistent or severe. In that case, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider to rule out any serious causes of the pain.

Simple measures such as prenatal yoga or gentle stretches can help relieve shoulder pain and improve posture. If the pain is intense or accompanied by other symptoms, such as abdominal pain, a visit to the doctor may be necessary to determine the underlying cause of the shoulder pain. Remember, taking care of yourself during your pregnancy journey is crucial for your and your baby’s health and well-being.

What Causes Aching Shoulders in Pregnancy?

Aching shoulders in pregnancy due to some causes. Pregnant women may experience shoulder symptoms due to poor posture, weight gain, and hormone relaxin, which can result from ectopic pregnancy or gallstones, requiring healthcare consultation. Here are some causes of aching shoulders in pregnancy.

Hormonal Changes

Relaxin Hormone: Your body produces the hormone relaxin throughout pregnancy, which aids in joint flexibility in preparation for childbirth. However, this relaxation may also affect your shoulder joints, which could cause pain.

Postural Changes

Centre of Gravity Shifts: Your centre of gravity changes as your belly expands, which may lead to a change in posture. This modified position may stress the muscles in your upper back and shoulders.

Increased Weight

Extra Weight: Shoulder muscles and joints may be more stressed due to the weight gain associated with pregnancy and the additional weight of the baby. Aches and pains may result from this.

Tension and Stress

Emotional Stress: Stress often results in tense muscles, and pregnancy can be a difficult period. Your shoulder muscles may get sore and tight when you’re stressed.

Sleeping Positions

Having a side sleep: Many women find sleeping on their sides easier as the months of pregnancy go on. Shoulder soreness may occasionally result from this position if pillows are not used to provide enough comfort.

Physical Activity

The lack of Exercise: Insufficient physical activity may harm your muscles and make you more sensitive to unease. In contrast, shoulder aches can also result from overdoing it.

Medical Conditions

Preeclampsia: High blood pressure and shoulder pain, particularly in the right shoulder, are possible side effects of this dangerous illness. Should you have any questions about preeclampsia, get help right away.

Ectopic Pregnancy: Shoulder pain can result from a miscarriage, but it is rare. This happens when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus and needs to be treated urgently.

How to Relieve Shoulder Pain during Pregnancy

Pregnancy-related shoulder pain can be challenging, but there are practical solutions available. Here are some easy ways to get rid of shoulder pain:


It is essential to take breaks and avoid overloading yourself while pregnant. Your shoulder muscles, which may be stiff due to your body’s changes, can be eased by taking short breaks throughout the day.

Heat and Cold Therapy

You can relieve shoulder pain by placing a warm compress or cold pack on them. A cold pack may reduce swelling and freeze the area, reducing pain, while a warm compress helps to relax muscles and improve blood circulation.


Pregnant shoulder pain can be successfully reduced with a bit of massage. It reduces stiff muscles, eases tension, and improves relaxation. As the massage goes on, ensure it’s light and focused on the parts that hurt the most.

Need Support

Proper posture and decreasing pressure on your shoulders can be achieved using supporting pillows when sitting or sleeping. Adequate placement of pillows, such as pregnancy, can offer proper support to your shoulders and back, reducing pain caused by strain or bad posture.

These techniques are safe and helpful in reducing pain of aching shoulders in pregnancy and advocating a better pregnancy experience.

Exercises to Improve Shoulder Pain

To reduce shoulder pain during pregnancy, follow these exercises. You will feel better after you have completed these exercises.

Shoulder Rolls

Move your shoulders in a circular motion, both forward and backwards, to perform light shoulder rotations. This exercise helps remove stress and tightness in your shoulders and upper back muscles.

Arm Circles

Extend your arms out to the sides and use your hands to draw little circles. This exercise works the muscles in the shoulders and increases blood flow, which helps people relax and feel less pain.

Neck Stretches

Bring your ear to your shoulder and bend your head to each side. Hold the pose for a few seconds on each side to stretch the muscles in your neck and shoulders. This exercise helps to increase neck and upper shoulder movement and reduce tension.

These simple can be included in your everyday routine to help soothe shoulder pain during pregnancy. These exercises promote comfort and happiness by enhancing blood flow, releasing muscle tension, and increasing flexibility. Pregnancy is a time to listen to your body and see your doctor before beginning any new workout program.

When Should You Contact a Doctor?

Both your health and the safety of your unborn child need to know when to call your doctor if you gain shoulder pain during pregnancy. If your severe shoulder pain is not better with rest or over-the-counter medications, you must make an appointment with your doctor. It’s essential to talk to a doctor if you experience symptoms like fever, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, trouble breathing, and shoulder ache. 

Symptoms include an intense headache, double vision, and upper abdominal pain, shoulder pain, especially on the right side, maybe a sign of preeclampsia or other dangerous problems that need to be treated right once.

You must be examined to rule out bones or problems if you have a history of trauma or harm to your shoulder during pregnancy. You should also contact your healthcare physician if you experience any pain or swelling in the area surrounding your shoulder joint. During your pregnancy, prompt medical attention helps to protect both your health and the health of your unborn child by ensuring that any deeper problems are solved early.


What does preeclampsia shoulder pain feel like?

Right shoulder pain associated with preeclampsia is usually severe and confined, frequently followed by migraines and changes in eyesight.

Is neck and shoulder pain normal during pregnancy?

Yes, because of balance changes and hormonal changes, neck and shoulder pain is typical during pregnancy. On the other hand, a physician should be called for severe or constant pain.

When should you worry about shoulder pain during pregnancy?

If your pregnancy is marked by fever, changes in vision, or severe, ongoing shoulder pain, you should be worried, as these symptoms may be symptoms of more severe illnesses.

Do shoulders hurt in early pregnancy?

Early pregnancy can cause shoulder pain, which often comes from changes in hormones and posture. If it is severe, though, it may suggest anything more dangerous. Therefore, a doctor’s check is necessary.


You have given the causes and solutions for the aching shoulders in pregnancy. Shoulder pain is widespread during pregnancy, but it happens with some mothers, not with every mother. It is an issue brought on by shifting hormones, changing body alignment, and gaining weight. An easy and safe pregnancy journey can be ensured by knowing the causes and when to see a doctor.

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