bad parenting

20 Signs of Bad Parenting: Effects on Children and How to Change

Discover the 20 signs of bad parenting and understand the lasting effects on children. Learn how to make positive changes in your parenting style.

What is bad parenting?

Bad parenting means generally any activity or behavior of parents that detrimentally affects a child’s emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. It is also a failure on the part of keeping track of the day-to-day activities of a child.

Bad parenting can be termed a toxic activity as well. It may include ignoring the basic needs of a child; persistent abuse; not providing support; and wrong methods for discipline. Good parenting, however, means love, and guidance, and a nursery will foster children to grow into happy and well-grown individuals.

What are the signs of bad parenting?

When parents put themselves and their peace of mind before their kids, that’s bad parenting. It’s not true that all parents take this deliberate action. Sometimes, parental actions can unintentionally result in poor parenting.

A child’s physical and mental development is negatively impacted by these ineffective parenting techniques. There are some cases where parents seem to copy what they were taught by their ancestors. These worse parenting practices are being copied generation by generation blindly.

When children experience such bad behaviors, they become aggressive, stubborn, and depressed. They do things forcefully, but they do not accept this behavior in actuality.  

Over or under-involvement

Over-involvement in your child’s life is also a sure sign of poor parenting. The outcome of over-involvement is dependence, and the outcome of under-involvement is a lack of ability to produce emotionally supported children. Here are two different perspectives on this cause.

Some parents, by nature, are very overprotective. They want to know everything going on in the lives of their children. As bad as under-involvement. Parents are not taking care of what their child is doing at school or home. This is the worst kind of bad parenting.

Little or no discipline

A lack of discipline is another sign of bad parenting. When parents fail to set boundaries and enforce rules, children may develop a sense of entitlement and lack the necessary self-control. It is a common practice for parents to scold their children when they do anything bad in front of relatives.

But they don’t look at the root of the bad behavior. They do not train children to behave properly at home. The learning starts from home. If parents ignore the bad habits at home, they must not complain if the child does the same outside.

Strict or rigid discipline

On the other hand, overly strict or rigid discipline can also be indicative of bad parenting. This can create fear and anxiety in children, hindering their ability to explore, learn, and express themselves. In the learning years, children wish to touch everything and play with everything.

But parents do not give enough freedom to let children do so. Parents do not provide reasons, they just strict them to not do so. This behavior leads to anxiety among babies.


Shaming is dangerous parenting that can have a long-term effect on children. Shaming the child by parents for committing mistakes will reduce their self-esteem and make the children feel worthless, a result of bad parenting skills.

Shaming children and parents unknowingly makes them feel bad. Children feel themselves to be inadequate. This is a very harsh method of parenting and develops low confidence, low self-esteem, and antisocial behavior. It also affects the academic achievements of the child.

Demand blind obedience

One sign of bad parenting is when parents demand blind obedience from their children without explaining the reasons behind their rules.

This can stifle critical thinking and hinder the development of autonomy in children. Parents who use authoritarian parenting actually lack logical reasoning. Children demand reasons behind everything, they are supposed to stop. If the parents do not justify the reason, the child will become stubborn.

Don’t monitor or control a child’s bad behavior

Another sign of bad parenting skills is when parents fail to monitor or control their child’s bad behavior, a key example of how not to engage in authoritative parenting and how such negligence can make your child struggle with discipline.

Ignoring or dismissing negative behaviors can enable them to continue and hinder the child’s social and emotional development.

Wrong controlling

If, for the wrong reasons, parents exert control over their children to fulfill their needs or desires, then that is bad parenting. Here is one instance of how the philosophy of parenting can be maligned, more so often when it takes the route of harsh parenting.

Children, in this case, need some amount of autonomy and a feeling of control over their lives so that they can build a positive self-concept. Making you a bad parent includes excessive parental controlling behavior.

Consistently choose comfort over effective parenting techniques

If the parents always choose easy parenting instead of good ones, they are taken as bad parenting. The avoidance of difficult issues or conversations and shortcuts in parenting may result in severe problems in a child’s development.

Fail to take responsibility if things do not go right.

When parents often deny blame for what they have done or pass the buck to their children when things do not go right, that is a sign of bad parenting and explains what makes you a bad parent. This results in a lack of trust and an inability to assume responsibility for the child.

Child Abuse

The most despicable expression of bad parenting is child abuse. Child abuse is the maltreatment of a child through physical, emotional, or sexual wrongdoing or neglect by a parent or other caretaker to his or her child. This is such a drastic manifestation of bad parenting that impacts the psych and physical health of a child.


Neglect is another form of bad parenting, including failure to fulfill a child’s emotional, physical, or psychological needs. Neglect of children over a long period promotes delayed development, poor academic performance, and failure to establish healthy relationships as an example of bad parenting.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is another bad parenting when a child is constantly criticized, humiliated, or rejected. Such acts can permanently change the psychosocial life of a child for their own good.

leaves a child alone with fear.

The kids always require the support of parents. Especially when the child is facing some kind of fear or tension, this kind of support becomes quite inevitable. If the parents begin to neglect the child and do not listen to the child, then that is one of the worst parenting techniques.

Not Proud of Child’s Achievements

Parents who fail to show pride and celebrate their children’s achievements may be engaging in bad parenting. Children need positive reinforcement and recognition to develop a healthy sense of self-worth and motivation.

All Advice, No Encouragement

At times, bad parenting is depicted when parents only advise the child and do not encourage him or her. The child, no matter how needy he or she may be for guidance, is also in dire need of support from the parent to excel and gain self-confidence in life.

Failure to Define Rules

It is also a bad parenting symptom when parents are not transparent with the limits and expectations they give to their children. Such children grow up knowing what to expect from them. They may begin to engage in unsafe and inappropriate behavior as well.

Lack of Moral Support

A child’s life becomes doomed if there is no emotional support. Children might feel lonely, misunderstood, or unsupported if their parents do not give validation, understanding, and empathy.

Compared to other children

Comparing a child to his or her counterparts is harmful and indicates poor parenting. It’s an inevitable situation wherein comparison results in lowered self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, and strained relationships among siblings and also with friends.

Parents are great facilitators and encourage their siblings to have an effective relationship. Sometimes, however, the parents do it in an unfair manner whereby there arises a tough rivalry among the siblings. So, it is very imperative to make smart decisions and decide on careful parenting techniques.

Parents will learn how they can be a source of power in the development and maintenance of a healthy relationship between siblings.

Using a Criticizing Accent

Poor parenting with a critical accent, for example, does more harm than good to the self-esteem of a child. Harsh parenting through continued criticism leads to a decrease in the self-esteem of a child, and most of them develop shame and worthlessness feelings.

Not Paying Attention to the Child’s Feelings

Another bad parenting sign is that the parents do not know or are unwilling to accept the child’s feelings. You also need to ask your child how he feels. Every child needs to have an outlet through which he can release his emotions and find himself a voice.

Lack of Trust

Bad parenting can be seen where the parent and child do not have mutual trust. When children fail to realize that their parents do not trust them, or vice versa, the relationships between the partners may sour, and channels of communication are blocked.

Not Spending Enough Time

One means of poor parenting is not spending the right amount of time and attention on your child. Children need proper amounts of time with their parents so as to have great emotional bonds and a sense of belonging. Not Paying Attention to the Child’s FeelingsAnother bad parenting sign is such that the parents do not know or are unwilling to accept the child’s feelings.

You also need to ask your child how he feels. Every child needs to have an outlet through which he can release his emotions and find himself a voice. Lack of TrustBad parenting can be seen where the parent and child do not have mutual trust.

When children fail to realize that their parents do not trust them, or vice versa, the relationships between the partners may sour, and channels of communication are blocked.

 Not Spending Enough TimeOne means of poor parenting is not spending the right amount of time and attention on your child. Children need proper amounts of time with their parents so as to have great emotional bonds and a sense of belonging.

Impact of Bad Parenting on Children

Negative self-concept

Children who have to bear worse parents usually lead a life of negative self-concept, a grim consequence of harmful child-parent relationships. These children somehow are afflicted with low self-esteem, self-doubting behavior, and feelings of inadequacy, damaging effects of poor parenting of children.

Antisocial Behaviors

Another result of bad parenting is that of antisocial behavior, which indicates the very deep and disastrous effects of bad parenting. Children who are exposed to bad parenting may not be able to adjust to pressure or behave well, as they are not in a position to abide by rules due to the aggression and bitterness generated through this type of parenting.


Poor parenting also leads to the development of depression in the offspring; the cause is devastating and led by poor parenting practices. Deselected and low self-esteem feelings and a lack of support emotionally define depression.


Poor parenting also tends to spur aggressive behavior from kids. This happens directly due to bad parenting techniques. Children are often unable to cope in healthy ways, and they are not allowed or enabled to express their emotions in a proper way. Therefore, it only leads to anger and aggression.

Difficulty with Relationships

Poor parenting may disrupt the child’s ability to develop and sustain a healthy pattern of relationships, thus lecturing your child on the wrong approach toward interpersonal connections. Therefore, trust issues may be experienced, inability to verbalize feelings, and thereafter, lack of meaningful relationships with others.

What is cold mother syndrome?

A cold mother syndrome can be defined as that kind of parenting style characterized by such behavior as emotional distance, neglect, and the lack of any warmth and love significant features of an authoritarian parenting style. This may lead to critical psychological development and well-being by a child, a clear indication of how bad parenting can affect a child’s growth.

How to Be a Good Parent?

Never Yell at Your Child

Instead of yelling, deploy gentle and forceful communication techniques to deliver your message and expectations. This approach fits well with authoritarian parenting. It is a healthier alternative for child-parent relationships. You are helping your child by creating a respectful and empathetic relationship with him or her.

Give Correct Reasons

This helps in establishing rules or boundaries by giving clear and age-appropriate justifications to the child so that she does not feel tyrannized and thereby keeps away from the authoritarian parenting style. This would make the child understand the reason for these rules and thus may turn her into a cooperative one instead of a hostile one.

Define Clear Rules

Set clear and consistent rules that ensure safety, respect, and personal responsibility. Your child has to know the consequences of when rules are broken and obey them because you apply them consistently.

Give Choices

Offer choices appropriate to your child’s age in order to encourage independence and decision-making. Children will then have a sense of control and learn from their own experiences.

Listen to Them

Give them space to verbalize their thoughts feelings and concerns; validate such emotions while providing a supportive and safe space in which they may voice their concerns.

Inculcate Reward and Punishment

Use a balanced approach of rewards and punishments to reinforce positive behavior and discourage negative behavior. This helps children understand the consequences of their actions and promotes responsible decision-making, countering the effects of bad parenting by teaching your child accountability and foresight.


Who can decide whether a parent is a bad parent?

Deciding whether a parent is bad or not can be subjective and context-dependent. It may involve evaluating the well-being and development of the child, the parent’s behavior, and the impact on the parent-child relationship, marking a critical point on the parenting journey.

What is the most harmful parenting style?

Authoritarian parenting, characterized by strict rules, lack of warmth, and excessive discipline, is often considered the most harmful parenting style. It can lead to low self-esteem, anxiety, and difficulties in social relationships, further highlighting the consequences of bad parenting and its ability to do more harm than good in a child’s social development.

What are the most common parenting mistakes?

The most common parenting mistakes include inconsistent discipline, lack of communication, overprotectiveness, and neglecting a child’s emotional needs.

How do you deal with bad parenting?

Dealing with bad parenting involves recognizing the signs, seeking support from professionals or support groups, and focusing on developing positive parenting skills.

Examples of bad parenting include neglect and excessive control, both of which severely impact child development and exemplify how bad parenting affects negatively a child’s growth and self-perception. It’s important to prioritize the well-being and safety of the child.

What is negative parenting?

Negative parenting refers to the use of harmful or ineffective parenting techniques that can have negative consequences on a child’s emotional, psychological, and physical well-being.

What is irresponsible parenting?

Irresponsible parenting involves neglecting a child’s basic needs, failing to provide a safe and nurturing environment, and engaging in harmful or dangerous behaviors in front of the child, causing more harm than good.

What are the long-term effects of bad parenting?

Bad parenting can have a lasting impact on a child’s development and well-being. The effects can include poor self-esteem, emotional and behavioral difficulties, difficulties in forming healthy relationships, and academic and career challenges, all of which are outcomes of bad parenting that fails to properly teach your child crucial life skills.

Can bad parenting lead to autism?

No, bad parenting does not cause autism. Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition that is believed to have genetic and environmental factors. Bad parenting may have an effect on a child’s emotional well-being but is not a direct cause of autism. However, the question,

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