hide pregnancy symptoms

10 Best ways to hide pregnancy symptoms till 16 weeks

There are the top 10 mainly used methods to hide pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy symptoms start to appear right after you miss your periods. You get swallowed chest and nausea. There is no problem to hide pregnancy symptoms from your spouse and family.

However, many women are not comfortable announcing pregnancy till the initial months. Don’t worry; we are here to solve this riddle of how long pregnancy can be hidden. The answer to this question is answered in detail in the following section. The top 10 ways to hide pregnancy symptoms in the initial months are by adopting these methods. 

Why to hide pregnancy symptoms ?

There are some potential reasons if someone is hiding her pregnancy. Maybe she does not feel comfortable telling people that she is conceiving. Another reason could be some insecurity about her pregnancy. The reason could be anything. So, the following guide will help you hide pregnancy symptoms until the first trimester.

Wear loose cloths 

Hiding the bump is one of the most concerned pregnancy symptoms. The first two months are not much of a concern as your belly bump grows in the third month. To hide the bump, you must sacrifice tight clothes and gowns. Wear loose clothes is the most used and preferred method to hide pregnancy symptoms.

Wear boxy shirts, oversized hoodies and your husband’s t-shirts (when you run out of clothes). You will gain weight rapidly so these boxy clothes will hide it and you’ll not be prominent in the gatherings. Additionally, these clothes will give you a sense of comfort and relief. 

The best way to avoid pregnancy nausea

Nausea is a prevalent pregnancy symptom. You continuously feel like vomiting and have a high heartbeat problem. If you are at home, this is a minor concern for you. However, if you are a working woman, this might be your biggest problem. This nausea situation is referred to as morning sickness.

It would help if you changed your eating and drinking habits. Firstly, avoid fatty and oily breakfast in the morning. It will not digest timely, and you might get nausea attacks. Secondly, avoid eating at your total capacity. When the stomach is 80% filled, stop eating.

Give some room for the food to digest properly. Skip caffeine in the morning; it will worsen the nausea. Instead, take some light herbal tea. Keep a bottle of water with you, as staying hydrated will lessen the nausea attack.

Don’t put your hand on your belly bump.

It’s common practice for pregnant women to place one hand on their growing belly naturally. While it may feel instinctive, avoiding this habit in public places is advised. Avoiding frequent hand-on-womb gestures can help hide pregnancy, preventing people’s attention or questions. Behave naturally in public; it will not let people know you are pregnant.

pregnancy symptoms

Avoiding prohibited food during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it’s essential to be mindful of food choices. While colleagues and friends may offer regular foods like pineapple, papaya, sodas, raw fish, or sushi, politely refusing is crucial. To avoid pregnancy complications, provide a friendly excuse, such as being on a specific diet or avoiding certain items like dairy.

In short, prioritizing the health of both you and your baby is vital, and straight communication helps manage social situations without compromising the health of the baby and mama.

Avoid drinking

When pregnant, alcohol consumption is deadly. A lady can abstain from alcohol when she is at home, but parties and celebrations require good cause. Individuals who frequently order alcoholic beverages with you will anticipate that you will also partake in alcohol.

If so, gently decline the offer and request a non-alcoholic drink. Many people will ask you about cutting back to alcohol. You may say that you’re taking a break for health reasons.

An instance could be a sore throat, stomach ache, or other health issue. Making your alcohol-free drink is the alternative. Additionally, you can tell that you are giving up alcohol permanently. No one will make you drink it if you can justify it on medical grounds.

Food cravings

You want to eat a lot when you’re pregnant. Mainly, you want to experiment with unusual meal combinations. However, this is not something you can do at work. You can only try new foods or eat some of the time. If you do this, people will likely believe that you are pregnant because these appetites are frequently linked to pregnancy.

The fact that you are on your monthly schedule can serve as an excuse. You can choose to eat in private without letting others know. 

How to handle tiredness

Early fatigue and tiredness are common in most pregnant ladies. You always feel worn out. Unwilling to go outside and work. It is challenging to go to work and work in this state. Getting enough sleep at home is the best and most recommended strategy to deal with this. 9–10 hours of sleep is necessary.

Whenever required, take quick breaks from your work. You may provide a variety of reasons, such as low mood or difficulty managing an excessive workload. Make an effort to consume more liquids to stay hydrated. It will lessen fatigue and anxiety. When you get home from work, take a nap.

Don’t start doing household activities like cooking right away. Take some time to relax. Put on airy and comfy clothing and take a bath. Take the time to spend quality time with your spouse or other family members. It is a tried-and-true method of lowering tension and anxiety.

Plan your activities according to your mood.

Organize your day based on your comfort level and emotional state. Get a good night’s sleep on workdays to have energy for the next day. Upon awakening, have a wholesome breakfast. Finish the hardest and most stressful tasks in the first few hours. After a few hours, you’ll feel exhausted; therefore, doing essential tasks is advisable. While working, take small breaks. Use the bathroom or have a snack. If you feel down, drink water or have ginger candies immediately.

Cover up frequent bathroom visits.

During pregnancy, hormonal change leads to more urine. Furthermore, the bladder receives pressure from the expanding uterus. Pregnant women so need to use the restroom frequently. Although most people are unaware of it, frequent restroom visits can draw attention.

Just say you’ll fix your makeup to give them an excuse. You might even claim that you have a bladder infection as an excuse. Keep a bottle of water with you as well. Your frequent visits to the bathroom and high water intake will appear as a reason.

Emotional changes  

The emotional rollercoaster is another pregnancy symptom. A lady undergoes many changes while she is pregnant. Both physical and hormonal changes are involved in this. These changes trigger anxiety. You may experience moments of happiness mixed with sudden sadness.

However, that’s okay. Pregnancy is the typical time for this emotional change. What counts is how to cover up dynamic shifts at work. You can explain, such as that you’re not feeling well these days or that you’re dealing with specific problems.

Asthma is a big concern for expecting mothers. Taking in mind, that a pregnant lady can’t take heavy medicines to prevent asthma. Learn how to handle asthma during pregnancy in our latest article. This article provides a detailed guide to managing pregnancy asthma.

Wrap up

Sometimes, new-to-be moms don’t feel confident sharing the pregnancy news with friends and colleagues. That’s totally ok. This is a phase of life, which brings some hesitation and insecurities along with it. If you want to hide your pregnancy news, you need to hide pregnancy symptoms. We are sure that the above guide will help you hide the pregnancy symptoms till 16 weeks.


Wear breezy, flowy clothes in the summer to conceal your growing baby bump. Choose airy, light-colored dresses, shirts, and skirts. Empire waistlines and wrap dresses may be both fashionable and cozy. Reduced visibility of the bump can also be managed with darker hues and patterns. Layering with airy cardigans or jackets offers coverage and a stylish touch.

Breast soreness, weariness, and nausea are common pregnancy symptoms. While the symptoms of ectopic pregnancies may be similar, they may also include severe stomach discomfort and bleeding from the cervix. Get help as soon as possible if you are flowing profusely or experiencing extreme discomfort.

Eat small, regular meals and keep snacks on hand to help combat pregnancy sickness at work. Remain hydrated and think about using peppermint or ginger to treat nausea. Stock your desk with crackers so you can grab a fast snack. If at all feasible, take brief rests to de-stress and reduce nausea. Talk to your coworkers about the situation to get their support and understanding.

Pregnancy bumps can be hidden in many ways. At first, it can be hidden with loose clothing, but hiding gets more challenging as the bump gets bigger. The bulge usually becomes most evident around week 20.

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